Still from Pool Party
Watch a selection of phantasmagorical visions from the Boston Underground Film Festival.
For over twenty-three years, the Boston Underground Film Festival (BUFF) has been bringing the finest in vanguard filmmaking from all over the world to New England cinephiles.
BUFF celebrates unconventional stories, idiosyncratic voices, fever dreams, nightmarish visions, and all manner of cinematic forms.
Not recommended for younger audiences.
The Flypaper Spectacular
Luke Liberty, USA, 2023, 8 min.
A free spirit, with time to burn.
Sogno Blu
Coco Roy, USA, 2022, 2 min.
Three witches appear in a dream to bring a message with no answers.
Skjemt Blod
Gwenmarie White, USA, 2019, 6 min.
“Girl kvlture” as a vehicle for meditation on American brutality.
Pool Party
Ellie Stewart, Canada, 2023, 8 min.
Outcast Freya attempts to make it through the night at her childhood best friend’s seventeenth birthday party without revealing her most dangerous secret.
Diddie Wa Diddie
Joshua Erkman, USA, 2019, 8 min.
A French speaking otherworldly creature shows a recently separated couple what their true emotional needs and desires are.
Viola vs. The Vampire King
Kevin Fermini, USA, 2018, 9 min.
Everyone’s favorite Super 8 vampire kung-fu revenge film.
Ultra Witchy
Mariah Klapatch, USA, 2019, 15 min.
In a town inhabited by witches, dogs, weirdos, and creeps Ultra Witchy spies an outsider amongst the outsiders. In a beguiling family home, three women share space and volatile dynamics.
Bride of Frankie
Devi Snively, USA, 2018, 19 min.
In this darkly comedic feminist nod to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a not-so-mad scientist builds a mate for her mentor’s lonely creation with electrifying, and deadly, results.