Photo by Alfredo Pelcastre
“These days, the whole world, including our politics, is being shaped by migration. Few people explore the nuances of this reality more skillfully than Valeria Luiselli, a strikingly gifted 33-year-old Mexican writer who knows the migratory experience firsthand.” —NPR
Writer Valeria Luiselli’s latest nonfiction book, Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions, is a short, insightful retelling of her personal experience as a translator for children migrating to the United States, predominantly from Central America; her innovative storytelling humanizes a fraught and contentious topic. Join Luiselli as she discusses the process of writing this powerful book, the need for “mapping” stories, and her thoughts on the similarities between novels and contemporary art with Jill Medvedow, Ellen Matilda Poss Director. Book signing to follow.