The ICA collects. Artists collect. What do you collect?
Although we may not define ourselves as “collectors,” we all value and accumulate something. From ticket stubs and bottle caps to love letters or teacups, most of us have a favorite object or physical things we hold dear and invest with meaning. In conjunction with the exhibitions First Light: A Decade of Collecting at the ICA and The Artist’s Museum, the ICA invites you to share your collection.
You don’t collect anything? Are you sure? Records, comic books, thimbles, earrings, Pez dispensers, ticket stubs, sneakers, art? Chances are you’re a collector of something!
Here’s what to do
Take a photo of your object and post it with your story on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with the hashtag #ICAobjectproject. Or use your smartphone or the video function on a computer to create a video of 90 seconds or less and email it to us. We’ll post a selection of video submissions here and at the ICA in the Poss Family Mediatheque.
Hear ICA visitors share their stories in an Object Project podcast