Director of Art Education and Associate Professor of Art and Museum Education at The City College of New York
Marit Dewhurst (she/her or they/them) is the Director of Art Education and Associate Professor of Art and Museum Education at The City College of New York. She has worked as an arts educator and program coordinator in multiple arts contexts including community centers, museums, juvenile detention centers, and international development projects. Her research and teaching interests include social justice education, community-based art, youth empowerment, and the role of the arts in community development. Building on her work with teen programs in museums, she co-founded and worked closely with the Museum Teen Summit, a youth-led museum advocacy group. In addition to multiple journal articles and chapters, her first book, Social Justice Art: A framework for activist art pedagogy highlights young activist artists. Her second book, Teachers Bridging Difference: Exploring identity through art describes how educators can use art as a tool to connect people across different sociocultural identities.