Ximena Izquierdo Ugaz (she/her) is a multimedia artist, curator, and educator born in Lima, Perú. She is the Teen Programs Coordinator at the Brooklyn Museum, working with an amazing team to facilitate our four paid internships, Museum Apprentice Program, Teen Night Planning Committee, InterseXtions: Gender & Sexuality and Teen Council. Having joined the Brooklyn Museum in 2016, Ximena is committed to elevating the excellence of queer youth of color, as well as honoring the voices in her communities that are often unheard. She was previously the Education Programs Manager at the Urbano Project and has worked at several youth and social justice organizations in Boston and NYC. She is the visual arts co-curator at Nat. Brut, the author of the self-published Standing in the Bathroom in the Dark Thinking About Green and El Mismo Pozo/The Same Well. Her work has appeared in FEELINGS and her first chapbook is titled Estoy Tristeza (No, Dear Magazine & Small Anchor Press , 2018).