Calling all high school students! Join teen photographers from Special Focus: Photography February Break Intensive for ICA Teens Picture Day. Work with a Special Focus photographer to make a creative portrait of yourself! Each session will last… more
Calling all teens! The ICA Teen Arts Council invites you to come together to create a space of care. We will explore care for self, your communities, and the environment. Happenings Questions or requests for accessibility assistance?… more
+1 teen members join Boston-based photographer Tiffany Binger for an afternoon of photography and exploration in the ICA Seaport Studio. Learn the basics of photography in this free workshop for +1 teen members, inspired by ICA exhibition… more
Join Teen Exhibitions Program to celebrate the opening of Lost and Found, an exhibition featuring the work of teens across ICA teen programs. Lost and Found explores the theme of nostalgia and reliving childhood through the memories and… more
Teen Arts Council presents Teen Night. Enjoy a night where teens take over the museum inspired by the exhibition Charles Atlas: About Time. Dress to be seen.* *Avoid bringing props, weapons, and costume masks. Happenings: Questions or… more
Join us at Seaport Studio to eat snacks, snap a photo in our photo booth, and explore and make art in our teen galleries. Find out about paid opportunities to be creative, build career skills, and connect with community… more
The Teen Exhibitions Program, in collaboration with Boston Caribbean Fashion Week, presents Teen Fashion Night Out. Join us for workshops led by fashion and beauty professionals, enjoy free snacks and beverages, watch or take part in a… more
Join us at Seaport Studio to eat snacks, snap a photo in our photo booth, make a beat in our digital studio, and explore and make art in our teen galleries. Find out about paid opportunities to… more
Join us in the Mayor’s Neighborhood Gallery in Boston City Hall to celebrate Rewriting Our City: Unsettled Accounts, an exhibition of portraits by teens in Photography Collective. During the fall of 2023, these young people partnered with… more
Calling all alums of the ICA’s teen programs! Join us at Seaport Studio to catch up, meet new people, eat good food, and shape together the future of how we gather. Current and former staff members will… more
Teens take over the museum with art-making, performances, dancing, games, and fun!
Join us for a film screening, art-making activities, and snacks at the ICA’s Seaport Studio to activate the exhibitions in the teen galleries—Chronicles from Castle Square and As You Are: Beauty and the Human Form. Come dressed in something that makes… more