A Zine by Teen Arts Council

Get creative with us! Find a comfy space to make art through prompts that invite rest and calm.


What is a Zine? 

A zine is a mini-magazine. This one is full of activities that invite rest and art we hope inspires you.

How do you use this Zine?

We welcome you to explore your creative side, and flip through the pages, like a magazine. We created this zine so that you can find calm and relaxation while using it. We invite you to channel your creative energy as you go through this zine and make art with us.

Who are we?

We are the Teen Arts Council at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. We plan events that bring together teens in Boston and beyond.

Why should I use this Zine?

These pages were curated and hand made by the Teen Arts Council to provide you space for calm and creative energy. We’ve included art, games, a playlist, a booklist, and ideas for restful activities. Find a space that makes you feel relaxed, grab some art supplies and enjoy!

Listen to This When___  you are making in the zine. Playlist created by TAC Member Rosaylin B. 

We searched the galleries and found our favorite works on view. Check them out below! 
